Worksplash (Project Balboa) and Video Data Stories (VDS)

A proof-of-concept for a ‘Tiktok for the Enterprise’ mobile application that led to a successful short-form animated video data visualization platform offered similarly to ‘Instagram Stories’.


January 2022 –
March 2024


Myself, one other UX designer, a data scientist, 2 PMs for Worksplash.

VDS expanded to a larger team.


User experience designer,
user researcher,
video editor


UX Research for Worksplash,
UI and Prototype for Worksplash, UX Designer for Generative AI story designer for VDS

Please reach out to me at for more information. 

Project Summary

SAP SuccessFactors and SAP New Ventures and Technologies were working on a joint project to leverage current social media trends to enterprise and HR platforms. I served as the founding UX designer for Worksplash (Project Balboa), a social media mobile application where coworkers can create and share short-form, hyper-personalized video experiences for one another.

Simualtenously, the SAP Business Technology Platform team  was working on Video Data Stories, a service that generates video-based insights from business applications and databases. Eventually, our work from Worksplash was absorbed by Video Data Stories and is now successfully implemented into the SAP BTP platform and SAP analytics cloud.

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